The Invisible Man Novel - Long Answer Question (Based on Plot, Theme and Characters)


The Invisible Man Novel - Long Answer Question 


Q.1: The story of the novel revolves around Griffin and his ’ conflict with society. Discuss.

ANS. The author builds the plot of the novel ’The Invisible Man in a simple direct and unambiguous manner It revolves around Griffin, the protagonist of the novel. Griffin, the scientist, has discovered the formula of invisibility. So he enjoys certain advantages of invisibility. He can face a person, strike with whatever weapon he has, choose his point, and strike as he likes. He dreams of establishing a reign of terror. Thus he comes in conflict with the other members of the society. People react with fear and then with terror as Griffin aggravates the situation by lashing out against people. They refuse to accept his invisibility and so try to apprehend and imprison him Dr. Kemp joins the people in their conflict with Griffin. By doing so, the author gives coherence to the plot by uniting Dr. Kemp and people in their fight against Griffin. The townspeople and Dr. Kemp ultimately become responsible for the tragic death of Griffin. 

Q.2: Comment on the essential points that give coherence to the plot of the novel ‘The Invisible Man’.

ANS. The Invisible Man is a tale of suspense that focuses on ans‘ n, the scientist, who has discovered how to make himself invisible. The tale describes both external and internal conflicts. The main point is the conflict between Griffin and other members of the town as his invisibility is gradually discovered. People react with fear and then with terror as Grihin aggravates the situation by lashing out against people. They refuse to accept his invisibility, and so try to apprehend and imprison him. This Point is linked with Doctor Kemp who lays a trap to catch him
by informing Adye, the police chief. The conflict of the people with Griffin and the conflict of Kemp with Griffin are reconciled when both Kemp and people of the town become responsible for Griffin’s tragic death. Griffin’s external conflict is the outcome of his internal conflict. He rationalizes his crimes and forces people to help him. This results in his death. 

Q.3: Write a note on the plot structure of the novel.

ANS. The plot of the novel ’The Invisible Man’ is direct and, straightforward. It begins in third person narrative as the narrator introduces the protagonist, the Invisible Man, midway through his experiences. Once the identity of the strange man is revealed as Griffin, he (Griffin). himself takes over the narrative and tells Kemp, his old acquaintance, how he began his experiments and invented the formula of invisibility. He narrates that he successfully made a piece of cloth disappear and then he experimented on a stray cat. This experiment was not entirely successful, as the animal's eyes and claws never completely disappeared. Then he drank some of his own potion and made himself gradually disappear. He tries to make Kemp a part of his scheme but fails to enlist his support. Kemp betrays him and calls Adye, the police chief. Griffin gets injured and meets his tragic end at the hands of the townspeople. 

Q.4: How does Griffin’s own story become an essential part of the main plot of the novel ‘The Invisible Man’? 

ANS. Griffin, the Invisible Man, tells his own story to Doctor Kemp, his old acquaintance. He tells him that he dreams to establish a. reign of terror by his invisibility. He believes in killing people. His behavior becomes reprehensible. Kemp refuses to be a part of his plan. He lays a trap to get him caught. He writes a note to Adye, the police chief. Griffin thinks that he has been betrayed. His story becomes an essential part of the main plot because Griffin returns to take revenge on Kemp for betraying him. Kemp follows his housemaid and escapes through a window. but is soon followed by Griffin who can see him but he can't see Griffin This climax takes the plot to its logical conclusion when Griffin is chased by the people of the town.
Some of the people are able to grasp the invisible man’s wrists and ankles and hold him down. The conflict in the plot is resolved with the death of the Invisible Man. 

Q.5: Discuss the theme of personal responsibility towards the society as exemplified in 'The Invisible Man’.

ANS. In ’The Invisible Man’, Wells demonstrates the theme of personal responsibility towards the society. Every individual must think about his actions to prevent the unexpected drawbacks. The author employs characters to emphasize this theme that successful execution of a plan requires careful contemplation of its consequences. In this story, Griffin, the protagonist, displays his characteristic traits that exemplify his negligence of consideration for his plan of invisibility. He tells Kemp his plan for the realization of the advantages of his invisibility. The invisibility is useful in getting away, in approaching and in the killing. He can face a person with whatever weapon he has, choose his point, and strike as he likes. He, then, tells him about his dream of establishing a reign of terror. He. soon, realizes the drawbacks of invisibility and the challenges an invisible man faces in all aspects of life, from leading a normal life to withstanding the different weather conditions. Thus Griffin fails to realize his personal responsibility. 

Q.6: Write a brief note on the theme of isolation in the novel 'The Invisible Man.’

ANS. The novel presents a theme of isolation through the character of Griffin, the Invisible Man. The Invisible Man is a person With no friends, no family, and just no one at all. It seems like no matter where he finds himself, he is isolated from the larger community. His formula of invisibility brings him in conflict with the community in Iping and intelligent people in London. He is a brilliant scientist who has invented a formula of invisibility. but they just don’t understand him. Their distance from him makes him angry and he dreams to establish a reign of terror by his invisibility. But this keeps him in isolation from the other people. He experiences the worst form of isolation when he is surrounded by people, but always feels alone. Unfortunately, Griffin seems to be on the outside of each community. He is the subject of gossip, rumor and even violence. Though he deserves it, he leads a life of isolation. 

Q.7: “One of the themes of the novel is the greed for power”, Explain.

ANS. As the title of the novel suggests, HG. Wells uses the motif of invisibility to convey the message that an invisible man will develop the greed for power. Griffin, the scientist, who has invented the formula of invisibility, thinks that invisibility is the ultimate discovery that will undoubtedly grant him the ability to take advantage of his fellow men. He tells Kemp that he will have the power to work round a man, whatever weapon he has, choose his point and strike as he likes. He can dodge as he likes and escapes as he likes. He further tells him that the Invisible Man will have the power to establish a reign of terror. He will take some town like Burdock and terrify and dominate it. He will have the power to issue orders. He can do that in a thousand ways scraps of paper thrust under doors would suffice. And all who disobey his orders will be killed. Those who defend them Will also be killed. 

Q.8: Comment on the theme of betrayal in the novel ’The Invisible Man’.

ANS. In the novel, H.G. Wells deals with the theme of betrayal in a skillful manner. Betrayal is always tied up with priorities. Griffin is in need of money in order to perform experiments on his formula of invisibility. He does not steal money from his father just to be mean, but because he cares more about his scientific experiments than anything else. The stealth may be considered a betrayal. On the same token, we expect everyone to keep his Friends secrets.  
But when Griffin outlines his villainous plan to establish a reign of terror and to take over England to Kemp, Kemp refuses to be a part of his devilish plan. He thinks that it is his moral duty to protect his country and neighbors. So he informs Adye, the police chief, about Griffin’s plan and seeks his help to nab him. This is considered a betrayal by Griffin who comes to Kemp’s house to take revenge on him. 

Q.9: How does H.G.Wells deal with the theme of corruption in his novel ’The Invisible Man’?

Ans.The theme of corruption in the absence of social laws is at the centre of the novel ’The Invisible Man.’ Wells has brought out this theme with dexterity. The narrator uses the Invisible Man to discover as to what depth a person can sink when there are no social restrictions to suppress his villainous behaviour. When Griffin kills his father, he excuses it away by saying that the man was ’a sentimental fool’. When he steals money from his father, he argues that he did it for doing scientific experiments. When Griffin takes the potion himself, he endures such pain that he ’understands’ why the cat howled so much in the process of becoming invisible. Nevertheless, he has no compassion for the cat, for his father or for any other person he takes advantage of in the course of his experiments with invisibility. On the contrary, he commits atrocities because they are more necessary to his survival than committing them simply because he enjoys doing so.


Q.10: Give a character-sketch of Griffin, the Invisible Man. 

ANS. Griffin, the great scientist, is the protagonist of the novel. After several scientific experiments, he has found a formula of invisibility. Thus he becomes the Invisible Man. He looks mysterious when he reaches the ‘Coach and Horses’ inn because he is wrapped from head to foot and wears a long sleeved thick coat and gloves. At the inn, he introduces himself as an experimental investigator and Mrs. Hell accepts his statement. He tries to find the reverse process to invisibility but fails. He is violent, aggressive and devilish. He is domineering and wishes to establish a reign of terror on mankind. When Kemp declines to support his plan, he turns against him and becomes revengeful, cruel and callous. He decides to kill Kemp and for that, he enters his house and smashes the windows of his house. He becomes the sworn enemy of Kemp and is determined to kill him. But fate wills otherwise, and he is killed by the people of the town. 

Q.11: Comment on the characteristic traits of Mrs.Hall.

ANS. Mrs.Hall, the owner of the 'Coach and Horses' inn is a courteous and caring hostess. She is hospitable towards her guests at the inn. She manages her inn in an efficient manner. She is practical and pragmatic in her business. She displays affectionate courtesy towards the stranger as there are few lodgers in winter. She tries to involve the stranger in conversation but fails because the stranger is reclusive. She is a good manager and does not want anyone to disturb her guest who wants to be alone in the room. She is a domineering wife and nags her husband about drinking. She is a strict business woman. She does not send food in the stranger’s room for he has not paid the bill. Then she objects to the straw lying 0n the floor in the stranger’s room. She cares for the cleanliness in the room. She is friendly with the country people and gets their help and cooperation whenever needed. 

Q.12: Write a pen-portrait of Mr.Hall, the co-owner of the 'Coach and Horses’ inn.

ANS. Mr. Hall, the co-owner of the ’Coach and Horses’ inn, is a man with ’heavy intelligence.‘ He is slow, lazy and dull. He leaves the management of the inn to his wife. He does render some support to her. He is fond of drinking and for this, he is nagged by his wife. He is gullible and easily believes what Teddy tells him about the stranger. Thus he begins to suspect the stranger. Thereafter, he aggressively enters the parlour and looks very hard at his wife’s furniture. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hall are normal in contrast to the abnormal stranger. He is a good-natured fellow and is happy with the management of the inn by his wife. He is sociable and enjoys the company of the villagers. He likes to assist his wife in odd jobs. He helps in carrying the stranger’s luggage to his room. He cooperates with his wife and joins her to work in the wine-cellar. 

Q.13: Dr. Kemp is also a scientist, but he is different from Griffin. Comment on his character by quoting from the text.

ANS. Dr.Kemp, the scientist, is a heroic figure in the novel. He is intelligent, smart, alert and quick in action. After Griffin escapes from Kemp's trap, he quickly explains to Adye how they can capture him. He suggests that they should use dogs to sniff him out and spread powdered glass in the streets. Kemp is an ambitious scientist as he works hard to be a part of the Royal Society, the famous scientific organisation. Kemp, a tall and slender youngman, is financially well-off. He is committed to the well-being of the people. When Griffin wants him to be a part of his plan to establish a reign of terror, he refuses to do so. When Griffin is present in his house, he sends a note to Adye, the police chief, to come and nab him. He is a disciplined and law-abiding citizen. He is rational in his approach towards a dangerous situation. He opposes Griffin’s philosophy of killing people. 

Q.14: Write a note on the characteristic traits of Thomas Marvel.

ANS. Marvel is something of a stock character. He is a poor, homeless, jobless wanderer. In other words, he is a tramp. He wears shabby, old-fashioned clothes like his 'obsolete hat’. He doesn't seem to like work. He does everything in a leisurely manner. But he ends up successfully. He has become the landlord of the little inn near Port Stowe and the owner of all the information about Griffin. He is a short and little man with a nose of cylindrical proportions and wiry hair. He is rich because he has been able to keep all the money Griffin had stolen because the lawyers could not identify the sources accurately. He is a bachelor and conducts his house with decorum. Though he refuses to work as an assistant to Griffin, he exploits his name and several encounters with him. He sells stories about him to make money. That is how Marvel is able to rise up from being a poor tramp to being the owner of an inn. 

Q.15: Write a note on the character of Adye, the police chief of Burdock.

ANS. Colonel Adye is the chief of police for Burdock. So he takes the charge of organising the fight against the Invisible Man. He is a law-abiding police officer and is brave. He possesses a spirit of a true sportsman. When Kemp suggests spreading powdered glass in the streets to nab Griffin, he momentarily objects to it and says that it is ‘unsportsman like' and that they should fight fair with a man who is invisible. Later he gives in. He is valiant and ends up fighting the Invisible Man bravely. For a moment, we feel that he will betray Kemp to save his own life, but we are proved wrong, for he fights the Invisible Man till his last breath. He looks as if he were dead after being shot, but the Epilogue suggests that he is alive and questions Marvel
about Griffin's notebooks, which are actually in the possession of Marvel.

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Credits : Evergreen Publications Ltd. The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man Novel - Long Answer Question 


  1. Thank you so much
    Really a good stuff....

  2. Awesome character sketch of each and every character.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks... Please share among your friends...

  4. Please share the worst part of the novel
    The Invisible man written by H.G.wells from your opinion.
